Work permits & Migration Agency

What is the Work Permit for non-EU candidates?

Thanks to free movement within the EU, EEA and Switzerland, it is very easy to recruit candidates from other parts of Europe for positions in Sweden. When organizations need to recruit from countries where there is no free movement, it immediately becomes more difficult. Here it can be wise to take professional help. We can manage the process for you and given over 10 years of experience in managing migration cases, we ensure that the process is handled correctly and smoothly.

We handle all contact with the Migration Agency

Over 10 years of experience in Migration and Work Permits

MultiMind has extensive experience in applying for work permits for our clients. It is included in our recruitment fees, but we also have it as a separate service. We handle the contact with the Migration Agency and your candidate as well as being responsible for administration and paperwork and in everything we do we are committed to providing world-class service.

We can help you with the following:

- Application for a work permit at the Migration Agency
- New applications and extensions of work permits
- Paperwork and administration
- Contact with candidates

Why hire candidates who need a work permit

MultiMind has long talked about the benefits of employing candidates from different backgrounds. On the one hand, a homogeneous group can reduce creativity, while diversity in the workplace can bring new perspectives. In addition, finding the right skills for many niche roles, such as IT, can be difficult, while it is easy to source the workforce from outside the EU. Whatever the reason and wherever you are in finding your candidate, MultiMind is here to help you, either with the whole recruitment process or just with the work permit.

Contact us

Daniella Famili, Head of Consulting

When you hire a consultant from us, or hire us for a direct recruitment; any work permit applications are included in the separate offer you receive from us. If you only want help with an immigration matter, we will of course help you with that too!

Contact Daniella Famili if you want to know more!
+46 (0)8 21 67 11


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